How does learn another language make you smarter ?

If you think learning languages is very hard thing and useless , you have to read this articles .

Researches show that people who speak many languages have better memory .
Another research show that multilingual persons have higher cognitive intelligence , that due to increased connections between different brain regions .
Concerning protection from diseases , learning new language protect you from brain disorder , it delays Alzheimer's by at least 5 years , helps faster stroke recovery , increases your brain size and boosts your brain power .
These researched haven't stopped here , they have moved to lab investigations ,as scans of the brain show increased the volume of the hippocampus (area in brain responsible of learning and memory ) .
Speaking new language helps you in decision making as it makes it more rationale and makes you more perceptive of your surroundings .
The most important benefit is that it protects you against aging as it boosts your cognitive reserve ( efficient utilization of your brain network ) .
Recent researches show that there is link between speaking more than one language and your math skills , it is due to when you pay attention to different words from different languages you stimulate different areas in your brain , which also makes you more creative !

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