ِAreas of the brain and their functions


.The brain is the most important organ in your body ,without your brain you are only a cadaver .
Your brain control your sight ,your appetite,your sexual desire ,your respiration , actually your brain control everything in your body through different areas ,each area control something in your body .

1- Frontal Area
 It controls how to plan ,problem solving and how to judge .It is also concerned with Emotions and some areas of movement .
So , any lesion to this area will cause behavioral changes ,absence of motor activity and maybe loss of smell.

2- Parietal Lobe 
It control senses like temperature,touch,pressure,pain and taste . It also manages your language .
So, any lesions in this area will cause loss of sensation and language maldevelopment .

3- Temporal Lobe

It is the most important area in hearing .It is also responsible for memory,meaning and language .
 Any lesion will cause change of behavior and hearing disruption .

4- Occipital Lobe 

It is the area of the sight and any lesion will cause blindness either partially or completely .

5- Cerebellum
It controls your ,balance , posture, coordination and movement.
lesions in this area will cause movement imbalance .

6- Hypothalamus

controls your body temperature, emotions, hunger, thirst, appetite, digestion and sleep. The hypothalamus is composed of several different areas and is located at the base of the brain. It is only the size of a pea (about 1/300 of the total brain weight), but is responsible for some very important behaviors
7- Thalamus

It controls sensory and motor integration and transfer them to the cerebral cortex (frontal ,parietal,temporal and occipital lobes )

8- Hippocampus 

Forms and stores your memories and is involved in learning. People with Alzheimer's disease loose the functioning of their hippocampas.

9- Midbrain

It controls the breathing and reflexes like swallowing and blinking .

10- Medulla oblongata

It is responsible for maintaining vital body functions, such as breathing, digestion and heartbeat.